Manasquan NJ


The Underground Strength Gym is now being licensed around the world!

Back in the day I never had the imagination to see such a thing happening, BUT, with the right mind set and through aggressive action I have made a lot of things happen when 99.99999% of people told me I was crazy. 

Imagination can be a VERY powerful thing if you let it work for you in the right ways.

So, for our new home, the Headquarters in Edison, NJ, our new web site is here:


Today’s training was brutal. Check this out:

After a warm up, our athletes got BUSY!

1) Log Clean & Press x 5 reps, 2 x 30 seconds, and 1 final heavy set at 5 reps

Some athletes cranked pull ups in between sets of the log clean and press

2) Trap Bar Deadlifts 5 x 2 reps

3) hand over hand sled pulls with thick rope. Athletes cranked these for 10 minutes alternating sets with a partner. We had a few sleds connected to a 20′ rope and 1 sled connected to a 60′ rope!

Tomorrow’s training will depend on this strange Dirty Jerzee weather. If it rains, we’re inside, if it’s sunny, it’s strongman day!

Either way, we will get bigger, stronger and faster.

See you at The Underground.

In Strength,


PS: We have a few spots available, mostly for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Monday, Wednesday, Friday is packed. If you are dedicated and committed, then call or e mail to schedule your trial workout.

(732) 379-9370 ==> Leave a message and we will return your call.

Serious Inquiries Only Please