Manasquan NJ

Another Day At the Underground Strength Gym

Here is a video with some of our young athletes training – tire flipping and squatting – a lot of hard work but a lot of fun. [youtube][/youtube]

The Underground Wrecking Crew represents in Football

The Underground wrecking crew is in full steam ahead as many of them are off playing Football. At Edison High School Travis Woods and Dan Lungo are smashing through helping their team score touchdowns. At Kean U., Andrew DuPoux is killing it and the boys from Johns Hopkins, AJ and Curls are frightening to say […]

I Question What Athletes are Doing

I will simply be up front about this because I am very disappointed in what I see lately. Athletic Coaches are training their athletes in the weight room and the results are poor at best most of the time (notice I did not say “all the time”). Our new athletes must go through a baseline […]

The Underground Wrecking Crew represents in Football

The Underground wrecking crew is in full steam ahead as many of them are off playing Football. At Edison High School Travis Woods and Dan Lungo are smashing through helping their team score touchdowns. At Kean U., Andrew DuPoux is killing it and the boys from Johns Hopkins, AJ and Curls are frightening to say […]

I Question What Athletes are Doing

I will simply be up front about this because I am very disappointed in what I see lately. Athletic Coaches are training their athletes in the weight room and the results are poor at best most of the time (notice I did not say “all the time”). Our new athletes must go through a baseline […]

Wrestling Brothers Return to The Underground

  JC and Mikey Bandiero kill the rope climbs at The Underground Strength Gym of Edison, NJ. Strong hands, solid abs, powerful pulling muscles – gotta kill it with the ropes. The boys are back in town! Kill it! –Coach Z– PS: JC was my very first client, back in the day when I was […]

SERIOUS Wrestlers in Training…FINALLY :)

Yesterday I spent 30 minutes with the South Plainfield Wrestling Club training them with some Underground bodyweight and partner drills. It was refreshing to be around an entire crew of motivated wrestlers. Yep, I’m still disgusted with the ENTIRE team that doesn’t even take advantage of 2 FREE weeks of Underground training. There were 5 year […]

Life has a top 1% – You are Probably NOT in it!

Went to a wrestling club today and took them through some training. Spoke to them about winning and preparation at the end and they all said they wanted to win more than anything else. Yet they all do the same thing: go to a wrestling club, and wrestle. No dedicated off season / in season […]

Where’s the support?

Funny how parents are actually putting their children at risk by not doing everything they can to improve their performance. I ask parents this question to get them to dig deep: “Have you done everything you possibly could to help your child be prepared as best as possible for his / her sport?” If the […]