Manasquan NJ


I will simply be up front about this because I am very disappointed in what I see lately.

Athletic Coaches are training their athletes in the weight room and the results are poor at best most of the time (notice I did not say “all the time”).

Our new athletes must go through a baseline program. This baseline program establishes greater strength, great overall conditioning, greater mental toughness and teaches them the proper technique in the critical movements which improve their athletic performance.

Unfortunately, we have been modifying this baseline to an even greater degree, to make it easier, because even high school upper classmen are struggling through simple movements which they should be excelling in.

If you’re a parent reading this, ask yourself this question: “Am I honestly helping my child be as well prepared as he / she possibly can?”

One of the BIGGEST factors in improving performance is the level of strength an athletes has.

A weak athlete will be injured more, will recover slower, will be slower and will be unable to handle the rigors of tough practices in comparison to a stronger athlete.

If you’re not getting stronger, you’re midding out on a key factor in improving your athletic performance.

Kill it!

–Coach Z–

PS: We can get you stronger. You just need to take action and show up.

Call us, 732-379-9370