Manasquan NJ

Performance prep for a sport should be a regular practice.

Use it or lose it holds very true for this.

This is why I am baffled at athletes who train hard and remain committed the entire off season, but once the season approaches they cease this training and only focus on the sport itself.

This is a HUGE mistake.

The priority in season is the sport skill itelf, but, to remain healthy, to continue to improve strength, speed and overall health, the athlete should be training in season as well.

The smartest athletes do this, those who are lazy and think off season was enough, these are the ones who will lose to the smarter athlete.

All it takes is once a week, 20 – 30 minutes max.

i have done this with MANY athletes and compared to those who drop off when the season comes around, those who remain committed come out with a better season compared to those who drop off.

A great example is Jim Beshada, who was runner up in states 2 years ago as a Senior in high school. Oddly enough, 2 years prior he never even made it out of his district. Things changed when he committed to a full year training program at The Underground.

Our program no longer allows 1 x week training unless the athlete is in season.

Yep, we’re tired of the half committed and the half assers.

The Underground Strength Gym accepts HIGHLY dedicated athletes, nothing less.

As you can imagine, this quickly exempts 98% of all athletes as only a few % want to win more than anything else!

People might call me crazy, but, I have worked with 1 too many unmotivated athletes.

They kill the energy of the rest of the group who is driven to succeed.

It drains me because I am more motivated than they are to win.

Life is too short.

Hence, The Underground Strength Gym was built to cater to the athletes who want to break records and be amongst other, like minded athletes who ALL posses the eye of the tiger.

Character building is what we do in addition to the development of brute strength and power.

I think you know if you’re ready or not for The Underground.

If you want in, you better be damn serious.

Call me if you want in.

Kill it!

–Coach Z–

PS: Call with your name & phone stated clearly: 732 – 379 – 9370