Manasquan & Edison Gym Raise Over $3,000 for Navy SEAL Foundation

Close to 50 competitors and another 40+ supporters showed up at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym to raise money for The Navy SEAL Foundation. With our efforts, we raised over $3,000 for The NSF! Special Thanks goes to our Sponsors: SEALFit & Sorinex I’ve shared many photos to our Facebook Pages and we had supporters […]
NEW Edison & Manasquan T Shirts & What We STAND For!
We’ve got NEW Underground T Shirts but instead of me ordering 200 shirts and running out of sizes, I had our shirt co put them online. This way you can order your exact size. These are the same style and athletic fitting shirts we’ve been getting for the past 1.5 years. ==> The shirts […]
Manasquan & Edison Gym: KEY Nutrition Tips for Our Athletes

Above, Brian “Curls” Pascal training out of The Garage days of The Underground Strength Gym. He would wake up and eat 8 eggs, 4 whites and 4 yolks. He would also have a bowl of oatmeal AND a protein shake! That was his breakfast 7 days a week, not just on weekends. At school, he […]