Edison & Manasquan Warrior of The Week Goes Running At 1 AM
This week I am featuring our hardest working college athletes. Mike Jensen of Del Val was awarded as well as Matty Mazarati, pictured above and his work ethic described in the Video below. Manasquan and Edison Athletes: KEEP attacking and watch this Video to understand HOW you can EARN Warrior of the Week at The […]
Manasquan & Edison Gym: KEY Nutrition Tips for Our Athletes

Above, Brian “Curls” Pascal training out of The Garage days of The Underground Strength Gym. He would wake up and eat 8 eggs, 4 whites and 4 yolks. He would also have a bowl of oatmeal AND a protein shake! That was his breakfast 7 days a week, not just on weekends. At school, he […]
Manasquan Gym & Athlete Dedication Tips
Above, a GREAT quote by Walt Disney. GREAT for our athletes at The Manasquan & Edison Underground Strength Gym. During the teenage years, the athletes are primed and ready for putting on lean muscle, getting stronger, faster, more explosive and tougher. This is what I call the window of opportunity and I explain it often […]
Critical Athlete Nutrition Tips, The Follow Through & Recommended Reading
Here are some critical tips for our athletes at The Manasquan & Edison Underground Strength Gym. Remember, most athletes only train here 2 or 3 days a week. That leaves PLENTY of time to either ruin the work you put in here OR to maximize the work through a proper lifestyle, mindset and nutrition Nutrition: […]
LOVE The Journey Of Success
You MUST fall in love with the long journey towards success. The ups and the downs come with it. The bumps, the obstacles, the challenges – find JOY in all of them. The key to Success is NEVER quitting. Most Quit mid way through, others quit before they even start and some quit when they […]
The Best Way To Safely Cut Weight for Wrestling
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Pc1mXZYKI0[/youtube]
2 Mistakes Athletes Must Avoid
What happens when an athlete is sore, run down and feels weaker than normal? Is this over training or under preparation or ____________? There are many answers but here are the BIG 2 mistakes to be avoided and HOW to avoid them to achieve maximum success as an athlete. Enjoy! [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktwnDx1NVH0[/youtube] In Strength, […]
Manasquan Transformation Contest
Above, BIG Mike McCabe transformed himself BIG time in 6 weeks with changes to his nutrition and training with us in Manasquan 3 – 4 x week. Mike also works full time, commutes from Piscataway and trains after a long day at work. His NO excuses attitude and commitment is what helped produce the results […]
NJ Baseball Player Transformation & Success Story
Here is the e mail Chris Lee sent me after finishing his final week of training before heading to Pa to play College Baseball: Zach, It’s Chris ” the meathead” Lee. I can’t believe it’s already time to say goodbye but it is. I leave Sunday, the 25th of August. 2 years have gone […]
ATTN Parents of NJ Football Players – Help Your Child Avoid These 2 Mistakes
Time for Football Coaches to drop their egos and TRULY start caring for these kids and doing what is in the best interest of the kids. Threatening these Football Players who have worked so hard to get ahead and now to threaten them with the BS of “You need to show your face in the […]