Manasquan NJ

In the video below you’ll see two guys hitting a 350 lb thick bar bench press.

Michael Pitts, an All American Safety from Monmouth U looking to get into the NFL, and Brian “Curls” Pascal.

Curls is a freak – but, many of you do NOT know that once upon a time, Curls was NOT  a freak.

In fact, he was slow, pudgy and showed no inkling of athletic prowess.

He would be tagged first in tag games.

But, in middle school he began cranking out calisthenics – lots of them.

In high school he buried himself in the weight room.

Junior year he began training Underground, back when we were in a garage.

Today, as a Sophomore at Johns Hopkins University, Curls is 250 lbs and is one of the strongest, most explosive and most athletic guys I have ever worked with.

Check out Curls & Pitts moving some serious weight!

The lesson here?

Nothing beats hard work and consistency. This stuff has to be done all year – training NEVER stops.

Kill it!

–Coach Z–

PS: We are currently on a waiting list to get into The Underground Strength Gym. You can still call or e mail us to leave your name and information. Because we are a private club, referrals and invites from our clients will get priority.

PPS: If you’re waiting to begin training until you get “in”, I must add:

1) Not everyone is accepted into our program

2) Waiting NEVER helps. Start training on your own.

Those who stopped by our gym in the fall and winter are now trying to get into the program and missed out. Waiting is NOT a good thing.

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