- Ray Jaz attacking his training at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym.
- Ray began training with us at the end of the 7th grade and weighed 92 lbs. Today he weighs 175 lbs.
Some interesting stuff happening as of late……
I ask MANY of our athletes what time they wake up and how they are eating.
I have sent MANY e mails, created Videos and our welcome packet outlines how to eat.
The MAJORITY of our athletes are NOT following through.
This also means we need MORE support OR enforcement from parents. STOP encouraging and Start Enforcing follow through. ALL in or not at all.
Lay down the law. Period.
I have created nutrition Videos, sent many e mails on nutrition and dedication….
What time do MOST kids tell me they wake up at?
11 am – 12 PM
I see athletes at 6 PM and they have eaten maybe 1 sandwich for lunch and some sort of wimpy snack for breakfast. That. Is. WEAK.
Yet these SAME athletes are going to Football practice and lifting with us!
WHY are they yawning and struggling through workouts?
WHY are they NOT building muscle and getting stronger?
It’s quite simple. They are NOT eating OR living to be STRONG.
They are doing what The “Common Man” does.
Waking up late, eating less than a 5 year old and NOT living like a Champion.
Every week and month I send e mails with instructions for our athletes. There are little details to follow through on that will truly shape their minds.
– Watch Rocky III & IV
– Read the book Lone Survivor
I have GIFTED MANY of our athletes the book, SPARTAN UP! A book about being TOUGH in LIFE, not just in the gym.
MANY of our athletes haven’t even cracked it open. Reading a GREAT book is a GIFT. You are missing out every time you decide to NOT take action.
MANY of our athletes have NEVER watched Rocky III & IV.
I’ve recommended these 2 movies easily 50 times by now.
These are movies that inspire, movies that show how to turn obstacles into opportunity, how to turn struggles into strength. Movies that show what Dedication and Hard Work look like!
Our athletes are CAPABLE OF SO MUCH MORE!
Here is a lesson from a friend and mentor of mine, Former SEAL, Mark Divine:
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g39nryWMmk[/youtube]
The book Lone Survivor is about men who fight for their lives and fight for this country.
It helps our athletes understand that waking up at 8 am is NOT so hard. It shows that training in Manasquan or Edison 2 or 3 times a week for 1 hour is NOT so hard, compared to men who train 16 – 18 hours a day!
Why are you waking up at 11 am or 12 noon?
Why would you rather have low energy and feel weak when you can feel like a run away freight train by following through on our nutrition guidelines?
At the end of the day the question this:
Are you giving your Life the best of your ability?
The truth is this: Many of you are NOT.
That makes me sad because ALL of you are capable of becoming champions, but MANY of you are choosing NOT to become Champions.
This is not about sports.
This is about LIFE.
Live The Code 365,