Manasquan & Edison Athletes: Leave YOUR Legacy!
What will you be remembered for as you compete in high school and perhaps college sports? Will they remember you for playing the bench? Will they remember you for overcoming all the doubters? – For being the Hardest Worker in the Room? – For being the Guy they can ALWAYS count on? Or will they […]
Edison & Manasquan Athletes Have The Potential…..
Let the Above Quote Sink In….. Read It Over & Over Until You Understand That Being STRONG Is The Foundation Of Your Success In Sports AND Life. Here is the awesome thing about being a young athlete and a message I REALLY want to hit home for our Manasquan & Edison athletes. You ALL have […]
Edison & Manasquan Warrior of The Week Goes Running At 1 AM
This week I am featuring our hardest working college athletes. Mike Jensen of Del Val was awarded as well as Matty Mazarati, pictured above and his work ethic described in the Video below. Manasquan and Edison Athletes: KEEP attacking and watch this Video to understand HOW you can EARN Warrior of the Week at The […]
Manasquan & Edison Gym: KEY Nutrition Tips for Our Athletes

Above, Brian “Curls” Pascal training out of The Garage days of The Underground Strength Gym. He would wake up and eat 8 eggs, 4 whites and 4 yolks. He would also have a bowl of oatmeal AND a protein shake! That was his breakfast 7 days a week, not just on weekends. At school, he […]
Results of The Underground Strength Gym Fishing Derby In Manasquan
Above, The FIRST EVER Underground Strength Gym Fishing Derby, July 19, 2015 at MACS Pond in Manasquan, NJ! WOW! What an AWESOME time we had at The FIRST EVER Underground Strength Gym Fishing Derby at MACS pond In Manasquan. As usual, Howell brought the heat and showed the most dedication! Some of our own Manasquan […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes – THEY Are # 1
From The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym to The Edison Underground Strength Gym and around the world, this message is a hard hitting message. Certainly, many will get offended by this or have excuses but I prefer to make things happen then to make excuses. Mindset IS key. This story goes back to my early days […]
Edison Gym & Manasquan Gym – INTENSITY!
Only the dedicated training on this day. #NOEasyDay #Manasquan #UndergroundStrengthGym #Edison #GetItALL #EarnIt A photo posted by Zach Even – Esh (@zevenesh) on May 25, 2015 at 6:20pm PDT Intensity. INTENSITY. Intensity is required to succeed. When you do something, put ALL your heart into it and THAT is how a Champion lives. Below are […]
Critical Athlete Nutrition Tips, The Follow Through & Recommended Reading
Here are some critical tips for our athletes at The Manasquan & Edison Underground Strength Gym. Remember, most athletes only train here 2 or 3 days a week. That leaves PLENTY of time to either ruin the work you put in here OR to maximize the work through a proper lifestyle, mindset and nutrition Nutrition: […]
Why We Expect Excellence in ALL Areas Of Life
Team Underground Members – Pay attention to the INTRO of this video. Coach Santoro of Lehigh University Wrestling Team says he wants the team to be the BEST at everything they do. Not just Wrestling. EVERYTHING. We hold the SAME standard at The Underground Strength Gym. You represent your school, your family and The Underground […]
Push Ups for Charity at Manasquan Underground Strength Gym
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] You Can Register & / Or Donate HERE You Can Also Donate, Even If You Can’t Attend. Even $1 will help, so please donate as much as you feel comfortable with: Click HERE To Support [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] This Fundraiser is Open to ALL, regardless of age AND you do NOT need […]