Manasquan NJ


From The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym to The Edison Underground Strength Gym and around the world, this message is a hard hitting message.

Certainly, many will get offended by this or have excuses but I prefer to make things happen then to make excuses. Mindset IS key.

This story goes back to my early days of running The Underground Strength Gym when I ran into the parent of a highly recruited Baseball player who lost his scholarships due to 1 of the most the common excuses out there.

I explain in this Video which reminds as a parent to NOT be “that guy”….

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[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube]

We all have options and opportunities.

We can be as successful as we want to be IF we work for it and of course, EARN it.

It’s more than just training at The Underground.

It’s the Lifestyle.

It’s Living The Code.

It is NEVER about accepting excuses. THAT is THE thing that will never help anyone achieve success.


For supportive parents with highly motivated athletes who want MORE success, click HERE for your Trial Workout.
