Holiday Gift Ideas for The Underground Strength Gym

Parents have asked me about gifts for their child or family members so Here are a few goodies to make everyone STRONG & Happy 🙂 1) Our Full Count Baseball / Underground Strength Tees These tees are Specific for our members / parents of The Underground Strength Gym at Full Count Baseball In Middlesex. “Excellence […]
LIFT STRONG Summer Fundraiser 2014
LIFT STRONG Summer Fundraiser 2014 Our 8th annual Lift Strong Summer fundraiser is ON. It almost didn’t happen. With what is perhaps my busiest schedule ever, time slipped away more and more but I KNEW we could still make this event happen! Please read all details carefully, below and share with your friends. Support is […]
"Do I Need a Gym"
One of the most common questions I get via e mail is, “Do I need a gym” to run my training business? My FAST answer, “Hell NO!” You don’t need a physicla location or a roof over your head when you get going. In fact, if you live in an area with year round warm […]
Extra Credit for the Extra Edge
Yesterday I went through a hellish workout with some friends of mine down by the Jersey Shore. I won’t lie, I got rocked going through this unusual workout regime, and, because I wasn’t totally satisfied with my efforts, I made sure to crank a lil’ extra credit at the end of the workout. See the […]