Earning Your Greatness VS Finding Greatness
This is a powerful mindset video I want to share with our athletes in Manasquan, Edison and soon Scotch Plains….. The mind is so crucial to success not just in sports, but in ALL areas of life. Being a Champion in Sports but mediocre or “good enough” in your academics and social life is unacceptable. […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes: Your SELF Discipline Says It ALL
Your self discipline will be the BIG factor contributing to your Success OR keeping you from becoming a success. When an athlete who is undersized and weak starts training with us, we hammer home and give the guidelines required in nutrition and training. If that athlete skips breakfast on the regular, eats junk on the […]
NFL Vet Gives AWESOME Nutrition Tips for Manasquan & Edison Athletes
This Video is EXCELLENT for our athletes and parents MUST watch. The reason being is our athletes are eating in a fashion that is not only hindering their success in sports but also leading to possibility of serious health issues down the road. Our athletes commonly eat skip breakfast, eat the school lunch, come home […]
Manasquan & Edison: Strong or Weak? YOUR Choice!

Ray Jaz attacking his training at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym. Ray began training with us at the end of the 7th grade and weighed 92 lbs. Today he weighs 175 lbs. Some interesting stuff happening as of late…… I ask MANY of our athletes what time they wake up and how they are eating. […]
Nutrition Tips At The Underground Strength Gym
When you become a new athlete at The Underground Strength Gym your parents receive a welcome packet with nutrition guidelines to improve your success while training here. The nutrition guidelines increase your energy level, increase your strength and lean muscle gain, improve recovery and overall speed your progress. It is up to you to follow […]