Stop Being So Sensitive & Get STRONGER

The Battle Against Mediocrity is at an all time high. I had NO clue that you get made fun of for working hard. So these kids are saying it’s cool to be average? It’s cool to be a follower? I can’t accept that. Perhaps the easiest thing to do is see what all the average […]
Zach Gets Interviewed by The Asbury Park Press!
I had a blast getting interviewed by the crew at The Asbury park Press. LISTEN HERE: Think about it. At The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym, the parks and rec department gave us ahard time for playing Ultimate Football on a random basis at a desolate park. In 8 years, I have NEVER seen kids playing […]
Find a Way to WIN vs Finding Excuses
I always have this echoing voice in my mind from a Navy SEAL program where the instructor told the boat crew who kept losing, “Just find an Excuse to WIN!” Normally, we find an excuse to quit. Excuses are everywhere, how about we find a bigger WHY, dig deeper and find a REASON to fight […]
Lessons from Pat Tillman This story on Pat Tillman is beyond inspiring, ALL of our athletes can learn from this Hero. Look at his traits: Hardest Worker in the Room Modest & Humble Responsible Loyal Patriot Stood for MANY things greater than himself (Team, Family, Country) Gets cut from Varsity Baseball and instead of blaming the coach or […]
The STRONG Life Academy & Showing UP During “Tough Times”
I am extremely excited to announce a new movement we’re bringing to the schools and The Underground Strength Gym. It’s Called The STRONG Life Academy. You can read all about it HERE. If you’re a Coach, Teacher, Booster Club Parent, Athletic Director or Principal, you will want to look into The STRONG Life Academy asap. […]
From Slowest & Weakest, To Strongest, Fastest & Johns Hopkins Football

The ORIGINAL #UndergroundStrengthGym Ass Kicker stopped by yesterday! #Edison #Manasquan / Brian “Curls” Pascal has one of my favorite stories: – when I was in elementary physical education teacher he was always the slowest kid who was tagged first during every game – when he got into middle school he started doing calisthenics every day […]