Why Athletes Are Injured 400% More Often?

Has your son ever been injured? If he is an athlete, which he is, the answer is YES. There are many reasons WHY athletes get hurt, and almost all of them we can do something about. For female athletes, the ACL injury rate is 400% higher than it was 10 years ago! Holy s**t! Think […]
NFL Vet Gives AWESOME Nutrition Tips for Manasquan & Edison Athletes
This Video is EXCELLENT for our athletes and parents MUST watch. The reason being is our athletes are eating in a fashion that is not only hindering their success in sports but also leading to possibility of serious health issues down the road. Our athletes commonly eat skip breakfast, eat the school lunch, come home […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes: Leave YOUR Legacy!
What will you be remembered for as you compete in high school and perhaps college sports? Will they remember you for playing the bench? Will they remember you for overcoming all the doubters? – For being the Hardest Worker in the Room? – For being the Guy they can ALWAYS count on? Or will they […]
Simple Motto to Live By
A simple motto we expect our Manasquan and Edison Underground Strength Gym athletes to live by is: “Work Hard at EVERYTHING” [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L5ZYWF-KWU[/youtube] [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqv_4XvWzfA[/youtube] What are you working hard at? If you’re not training smarter and harder than your competition then you are NOT going to achieve your true potential. Do it […]
Mistakes Parents Make When Choosing A Strength Coach – Pt 1
What Are The BIG 3 Mistakes Parents Make When Choosing A Strength Coach For Their Child? Through the many years of working with athletes and seeing the explosion of strength coaches around the country I have noticed some common themes that seem to confuse parents and ultimately hurt their child’s success. As a parent […]
South Plainfield Wrestling Success Story
Love this success story with Jeff Plungis. Even cooler… we’ve only just begun! Jeff is only a freshman. Long term and even by next season, he is going to shock everyone!! [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us3XJw97YvU[/youtube] Jeff has gained approximately 20 lbs since starting in the fall and going through wrestling season! We’re proud of ya, Jeff!!! […]