4 Athlete Mobility & Flexibility Tips to Reduce Injuries & Perform Better
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zRiYqIDYY0[/youtube] Above, Dick Hartzell stretching hamstrings with his Jump Stretch Bands. ALL Athletes should get a heavy jump stretch band and perform 10-15 minutes of daily stretching. This is a BIG component of your training and many who complain of tight hips or lower back stiffness are the same athletes who do NOT stretch at […]
WHY Athlete Success is NOT An Accident

[youtube width=”700″ height=”400″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDjIaPrxjPA[/youtube] The past few weeks have been an amazing run for many of the athletes we get to work with each of our Underground Strength Gym Locations (Middlesex / Manasquan / Scotch Plains). It’s hard keeping up and finding the news from our athletes who live up in North NJ as I am […]
TRUTH About In Season Training: Is It Bad? Is It Too Late? Too Hard?
I had a recent conversation with a parent asking me about his son who is wrestling. They have 3 weeks until Districts. Is it bad to start training NOW? Will the kids lose flexibility, is it too hard, too much work, etc. I replied, Here’s the worst thing that can happen: The Kids will Get […]
4 Reasons Why Athletes Who Strength Train IN Season WIN MORE

Above: Ray Jaz / NYU Wrestling, Bryan McLaughin / Woodbridge Wrestling (Drexel Commit) / John Poznaski / Colonia Wrestling The Importance of Strength Training for In-Season Athletes Many athletes and their parents are quite often worried about too much stress on the body during their sports season. They are right to be concerned, but they […]
Holiday Gift Ideas for The Underground Strength Gym

Parents have asked me about gifts for their child or family members so Here are a few goodies to make everyone STRONG & Happy 🙂 1) Our Full Count Baseball / Underground Strength Tees These tees are Specific for our members / parents of The Underground Strength Gym at Full Count Baseball In Middlesex. “Excellence […]
NJ Athlete Training: Football, Baseball & Wrestling Workouts
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6k4d_jU1IU&feature=share&list=UUqfeXppJ0gH-xMteusTeVEg[/youtube] We’ve got Baseball, Football & Wrestling athletes training together. How is that possible? Simple, NOT easy 🙂 The fallacies of sports specific training and other gimmicks are confusing many athletes, parents and sport coaches. Because we train for all around athleticism, our workouts build up the athlete’s strengths, attack their weak areas […]
NJ Baseball Strength: 3 Ways To Improve Bat Speed
Every baseball player wants to improve bat speed and reasonably so as bat Speed is one the major keys to hitting success. Here are the 3 ways to improve bat speed 1-Improve Lower Body Strength Lower body strength is paramount for baseball players because it is their foundation. Without a strong and powerful lower body […]