Building THE Gladiator – Underground Strength BEAST Story
Some parents have been duped…. tricked… athletes have been duped… tricked. The fads, the gimmicks, the “buzz words” – sports specific training, plyometrics, power training and bla bla bla Wanna know what sports specific training is? It IS the practice of THE sport. Period. Does a middle school or elementary school athlete need “speed training”? […]
LOVE The Journey Of Success
You MUST fall in love with the long journey towards success. The ups and the downs come with it. The bumps, the obstacles, the challenges – find JOY in all of them. The key to Success is NEVER quitting. Most Quit mid way through, others quit before they even start and some quit when they […]
3 Biggest Mistakes Parents Must Avoid When Choosing A Strength Coach – Pt 2
Mistake # 2 Is your child being pigeon holed into following a cookie cutter program? Or…… Is the program being individualized for your child? Does the program continuously assess your child’s needs, looking at weak points, strong points and also the mental aspect your child needs? Athletes are ALL different. They require different coaching styles. […]
2 Traits ALL Athletes Must Possess
There are 2 things all successful athletes need to have: 1) They need to be HUMBLE. This doesn’t mean to avoid showing their confidence, this means to keep an open mind and NEVER think you are too good to learn from a Coach. A humble athlete is coachable. Those who are too good or too […]
Nutrition Tips At The Underground Strength Gym
When you become a new athlete at The Underground Strength Gym your parents receive a welcome packet with nutrition guidelines to improve your success while training here. The nutrition guidelines increase your energy level, increase your strength and lean muscle gain, improve recovery and overall speed your progress. It is up to you to follow […]
Push Ups For Charity In Manasquan
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] You Can Register & / Or Donate HERE You Can Also Donate, Even If You Can’t Attend. Even $1 will help, so please donate as much as you feel comfortable with: Click HERE To Support [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] This Fundraiser is Open to ALL, regardless of age. Push Ups are for […]
Manasquan Underground Strength Gym Action
Some action from the opening day of The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym. BIG thanks to all who showed up to train and get after it. HUGE thanks to Ray Jaz Sr & Jr for taking the trip from South Plainfield to Manasquan. You guys are awesome beyond words! Live The Code and see everyone at […]
Manasquan Gym – Underground Strength Gym
Here is a quick tour of The Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan, NJ. We’re located at 202 East Main St Unit 4 (Behind Sotheby’s and Kenny’s Garage) Parking is on Wyckoff Ave and you can enter our gym off of Wyckoff Ave as well (turn down the drive way that is at the brown wooden […]