Find a Way to WIN vs Finding Excuses
I always have this echoing voice in my mind from a Navy SEAL program where the instructor told the boat crew who kept losing, “Just find an Excuse to WIN!” Normally, we find an excuse to quit. Excuses are everywhere, how about we find a bigger WHY, dig deeper and find a REASON to fight […]
Navy SEAL Foundation & Hurricane Harvey Fundraiser at Scotch Plains Underground Strength Gym
This Fundraiser will benefit The Navy SEAL Foundation & Hurricane Harvey Flood Victims. SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ — Yeti MMA’s Underground Strength Gym will host for a day filled with strength competition, food, fun and philanthropy on Sept. 16, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. The Underground Strength Gym will Donate 50% of All Proceeds Directly to the Navy […]
11 Navy SEAL Life Tips for Athletes of Manasquan & Edison Underground Strength Gym
This one goes out to our athletes and the parents at The Edison & Manasquan Underground Strength Gym. This also goes out to all of you who follow what we do locally and around the world. It’s an honor to share and inspire you through our training methods. It truly is…… As always, this one […]
Manasquan & Edison: Strong or Weak? YOUR Choice!

Ray Jaz attacking his training at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym. Ray began training with us at the end of the 7th grade and weighed 92 lbs. Today he weighs 175 lbs. Some interesting stuff happening as of late…… I ask MANY of our athletes what time they wake up and how they are eating. […]
Manasquan & Edison Gym Featured In Inc. Magazine!

I am pumped and honored that The Manasquan and Edison Underground Strength Gym were featured on The Inc Magazine Web site during their interview with Spartan Race Founder, Joe DeSena. Full Article HERE Our feature is also on our Instagram Page: Excerpt from A part of an article inside @IncMagazine w @spartanrace @spartanuppodcast !! #NOEasyDay […]
NJ Athletes Who Succeed Have Urgency
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] *** The MOST Successful Athletes Have This *** – A Sense Of Urgency. Athletes and their parents who understand success know that you must attack your goals quickly. NOW is always better than tomorrow. Waiting until Monday, next week, after summer, the new year, when school is over, when the season ends, […]