Navy SEAL Foundation & Hurricane Harvey Fundraiser at Scotch Plains Underground Strength Gym
This Fundraiser will benefit The Navy SEAL Foundation & Hurricane Harvey Flood Victims. SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ — Yeti MMA’s Underground Strength Gym will host for a day filled with strength competition, food, fun and philanthropy on Sept. 16, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. The Underground Strength Gym will Donate 50% of All Proceeds Directly to the Navy […]
TRUTH About In Season Training: Is It Bad? Is It Too Late? Too Hard?
I had a recent conversation with a parent asking me about his son who is wrestling. They have 3 weeks until Districts. Is it bad to start training NOW? Will the kids lose flexibility, is it too hard, too much work, etc. I replied, Here’s the worst thing that can happen: The Kids will Get […]
4 Reasons Why Athletes Who Strength Train IN Season WIN MORE

Above: Ray Jaz / NYU Wrestling, Bryan McLaughin / Woodbridge Wrestling (Drexel Commit) / John Poznaski / Colonia Wrestling The Importance of Strength Training for In-Season Athletes Many athletes and their parents are quite often worried about too much stress on the body during their sports season. They are right to be concerned, but they […]
Scotch Plains Adult Strength & Conditioning

In the Fall of 2007 when we opened The Underground Strength Gym we began training adults after our athletes trained in the afternoon and evenings. These 8 PM training sessions were short and intense. The workouts were very similar to what our athletes did minus some specifics that just weren’t safe for most adults. – […]
Holiday Gift Ideas for The Underground Strength Gym

Parents have asked me about gifts for their child or family members so Here are a few goodies to make everyone STRONG & Happy 🙂 1) Our Full Count Baseball / Underground Strength Tees These tees are Specific for our members / parents of The Underground Strength Gym at Full Count Baseball In Middlesex. “Excellence […]