Manasquan NJ


Above, a GREAT quote by Walt Disney.

GREAT for our athletes at The Manasquan & Edison Underground Strength Gym.

During the teenage years, the athletes are primed and ready for putting on lean muscle, getting stronger, faster, more explosive and tougher.

This is what I call the window of opportunity and I explain it often to the parents and athletes in Manasquan and Edison.

As you get older, more and more opportunity slips away.

So, when I ask our athletes about their breakfast, their lunch, etc – I am constantly shocked with how many use the same excuses:

“I was running late….”

“I was so busy today….”

” I had to work today….”


Everyone is busy.

Everyone works…. Well, OK, NOT everyone…..

But if you want to become a CHAMPION, then do the things that your competition makes excuses about doing. Don’t fall into their same path of excuses, skipping meals, not eating enough, not eating healthy, not doing extra workouts on your own, etc.

To All our Manasquan & Edison Athletes:

– You received a welcome packet when you signed up. Follow the nutrition guidelines in there AND the extra Bodyweight guidelines in the welcome packet.

– If a Coach gives you specific homework pertaining to nutrition, sleep, lifestyle, flexibility, mobility, etc – well, FOLLOW THROUGH! Do the Work!

WARNING: This Video Contains Adult Language BUT The Lessons Are A MUST Learn!

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube]

Dedication and Hard Work are BEAUTIFUL.

It is MUCH better to experience success than to be average and mediocre.

Let’s keep attacking Life & Lifting!

Live The Code 365


For Supportive Parents & Hard Working Athletes In / Near Manasquan & Edison, NJ

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