Stop Being So Sensitive & Get STRONGER

The Battle Against Mediocrity is at an all time high. I had NO clue that you get made fun of for working hard. So these kids are saying it’s cool to be average? It’s cool to be a follower? I can’t accept that. Perhaps the easiest thing to do is see what all the average […]
Lessons from Pat Tillman This story on Pat Tillman is beyond inspiring, ALL of our athletes can learn from this Hero. Look at his traits: Hardest Worker in the Room Modest & Humble Responsible Loyal Patriot Stood for MANY things greater than himself (Team, Family, Country) Gets cut from Varsity Baseball and instead of blaming the coach or […]
The STRONG Life Academy & Showing UP During “Tough Times”
I am extremely excited to announce a new movement we’re bringing to the schools and The Underground Strength Gym. It’s Called The STRONG Life Academy. You can read all about it HERE. If you’re a Coach, Teacher, Booster Club Parent, Athletic Director or Principal, you will want to look into The STRONG Life Academy asap. […]
The Difference Between Good Athletes VS GREAT Athletes?
From our middle school athletes to D1 athletes, I get to see a LOT of different athletes. – Varied talent levels – Varied natural abilities – Varied Attitudes / Personalities – Varied work ethic And then this morning, I saw a GREAT Video based on a boxer who broke his neck and made a come […]
Did The Yankees Lose to Astros Because of “Core Work”?
Yesterday I was watching the Yankees game with my family. My son loves Baseball and gets into it big time. While watching the game, or any sport for that matter, I am always looking at how the athletes move, why one team is better than the next, the mindset, the physiques, the speed, etc. I […]
GREAT Athletes Have This 1 Thing?

BIG Success Stories come from the kids who work HARD, train consistently, have GREAT Coaches, Supportive Parents, Are Relentless in Achieving Excellence…. See some of our success stories here. They do a LOT of things right. It’s a TEAM effort. THAT is the 1 thing they have, a TEAM. WHO is the Team? There are […]
The 6 Traits Of Our MOST Successful Athletes
The 6 Traits Of Our MOST Successful Athletes I have a common saying that I share with the athletes when I want to have lessons hit home, here it is: Success Leaves Clues. So, when I look at our MOST Successful Athletes, NOT just in Sports but in other Areas of their Life, Here are […]
TRUTH About In Season Training: Is It Bad? Is It Too Late? Too Hard?
I had a recent conversation with a parent asking me about his son who is wrestling. They have 3 weeks until Districts. Is it bad to start training NOW? Will the kids lose flexibility, is it too hard, too much work, etc. I replied, Here’s the worst thing that can happen: The Kids will Get […]
Champion Wrestler Lifestyle Tips & Lessons with Ray Jaz
[youtube width=”700″ height=”400″][/youtube] Ray Jaz began training at The Underground Strength Gym in 7th grade, he has never stopped training here, in season and off season, full ON DEDICATION! Ray delivers his lessons learned from The Underground. It’s a Lifestyle. It’s not just about doing a few things right, you need to do it ALL […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes: Prepare, Perform, PREVAIL

With E Guy & Olympian, Steve Mocco at American Top Team in Florida! Time flies! This weekend is already the district tournament for wrestlers. It is the weekend when the TRUTH comes out regarding every wrestler’s preparation or lack of preparation. For some, it is the beginning of their journey and goals towards Atlantic City […]