11 Navy SEAL Life Tips for Athletes of Manasquan & Edison Underground Strength Gym
This one goes out to our athletes and the parents at The Edison & Manasquan Underground Strength Gym. This also goes out to all of you who follow what we do locally and around the world. It’s an honor to share and inspire you through our training methods. It truly is…… As always, this one […]
Manasquan & Edison Gym Raise Over $3,000 for Navy SEAL Foundation

Close to 50 competitors and another 40+ supporters showed up at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym to raise money for The Navy SEAL Foundation. With our efforts, we raised over $3,000 for The NSF! Special Thanks goes to our Sponsors: SEALFit & Sorinex I’ve shared many photos to our Facebook Pages and we had supporters […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes: Leave YOUR Legacy!
What will you be remembered for as you compete in high school and perhaps college sports? Will they remember you for playing the bench? Will they remember you for overcoming all the doubters? – For being the Hardest Worker in the Room? – For being the Guy they can ALWAYS count on? Or will they […]
6 Success Tips for Edison & Manasquan Athletes
I want to share a few key success tips for our athletes. Tip # 1: Keep Communication Lines open. Communicate quickly. Parents, Athletes and Coaches MUST communicate with one another on the regular and quickly. This helps avoid surprises in scheduling as well as lack of prearation. Tip # 2: Keep 2 Calendars I use […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes Learn From a 10 Year NFL Veteran
Parents – Please read ALL e mails. I had parents asking me to hold a shirt for their son when our e mails stated that these are limited edition, pre order only. We’ve also had parents sending kids to The Underground not knowing that we didn’t have morning workouts the final week of summer. This […]
The STRONGEST Shall Survive for Manasquan & Edison Athletes
This year has been quite the adventure! Only now, stopping to write about it and truly let it sink in is when I can see that this was a LONG road. I spoke at Georgia Tech and was invited there 2 years in a row from Life Fitness and their Head Strength Coach for The […]
Edison & Manasquan Athletes Have The Potential…..
Let the Above Quote Sink In….. Read It Over & Over Until You Understand That Being STRONG Is The Foundation Of Your Success In Sports AND Life. Here is the awesome thing about being a young athlete and a message I REALLY want to hit home for our Manasquan & Edison athletes. You ALL have […]
Manasquan & Edison Gym: KEY Nutrition Tips for Our Athletes

Above, Brian “Curls” Pascal training out of The Garage days of The Underground Strength Gym. He would wake up and eat 8 eggs, 4 whites and 4 yolks. He would also have a bowl of oatmeal AND a protein shake! That was his breakfast 7 days a week, not just on weekends. At school, he […]
Manasquan & Edison Gym Featured In Inc. Magazine!

I am pumped and honored that The Manasquan and Edison Underground Strength Gym were featured on The Inc Magazine Web site during their interview with Spartan Race Founder, Joe DeSena. Full Article HERE Our feature is also on our Instagram Page: Excerpt from A part of an article inside @IncMagazine w @spartanrace @spartanuppodcast !! #NOEasyDay […]
Why Athlete’s Deserve An Honest Chance At Success
Our Saturday morning workouts have been pumping. The kids have high energy and we’ve got 10-15 athletes every Saturday. I LOVE it! 1 of my earliest athletes stopped in, he is pictured above flipping the 550 lb tire. Anthony Torchia is his name, and he began training in 8th grade and continued until freshman year […]