Manasquan & Edison Athletes Learn From a 10 Year NFL Veteran
Parents – Please read ALL e mails. I had parents asking me to hold a shirt for their son when our e mails stated that these are limited edition, pre order only. We’ve also had parents sending kids to The Underground not knowing that we didn’t have morning workouts the final week of summer. This […]
Manasquan & Edison Strength & Success Tip
“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” ~ Edmund Hillary Above, Blair Wrestlers & Team Underground…. Drenched in Sweat, Some Blood, Aches & Pains But The Champions Always Do “Extra Credit!” _________________ At The Underground Strength Gym, whenever the athletes finish a workout, I let our athletes know that they can stay extra […]
NEW Edison & Manasquan T Shirts & What We STAND For!
We’ve got NEW Underground T Shirts but instead of me ordering 200 shirts and running out of sizes, I had our shirt co put them online. This way you can order your exact size. These are the same style and athletic fitting shirts we’ve been getting for the past 1.5 years. ==> The shirts […]
Edison & Manasquan Athletes Dehydrated, Hungry & Exhausted?
This Summer has proven to be very interesting. This Summer I’ve heard the most “I feel light headed” comments than ever before. As well as these comments: – I woke up at 12 o’clock – I didn’t really get to eat today, I just had a bowl of cereal Many of our athletes, especially those […]
Edison & Manasquan Athletes Have The Potential…..
Let the Above Quote Sink In….. Read It Over & Over Until You Understand That Being STRONG Is The Foundation Of Your Success In Sports AND Life. Here is the awesome thing about being a young athlete and a message I REALLY want to hit home for our Manasquan & Edison athletes. You ALL have […]
Manasquan & Edison: Strong or Weak? YOUR Choice!

Ray Jaz attacking his training at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym. Ray began training with us at the end of the 7th grade and weighed 92 lbs. Today he weighs 175 lbs. Some interesting stuff happening as of late…… I ask MANY of our athletes what time they wake up and how they are eating. […]
Edison & Manasquan STRENGTH + INTENSITY Lesson!
Dedication. Intensity. The Desire to Achieve GREATNESS. ALL of these traits are critical to your child’s success. The support starts at home. If parents don’t support their kids then the kids will be happy training at Planet Fitness, taking selfies every 2 minutes and pumping up their biceps between chit chat. This Video demonstrates a […]
Edison & Manasquan Warrior of The Week Goes Running At 1 AM
This week I am featuring our hardest working college athletes. Mike Jensen of Del Val was awarded as well as Matty Mazarati, pictured above and his work ethic described in the Video below. Manasquan and Edison Athletes: KEEP attacking and watch this Video to understand HOW you can EARN Warrior of the Week at The […]
Manasquan & Edison Gym: KEY Nutrition Tips for Our Athletes

Above, Brian “Curls” Pascal training out of The Garage days of The Underground Strength Gym. He would wake up and eat 8 eggs, 4 whites and 4 yolks. He would also have a bowl of oatmeal AND a protein shake! That was his breakfast 7 days a week, not just on weekends. At school, he […]
Manasquan & Edison Gym Featured In Inc. Magazine!

I am pumped and honored that The Manasquan and Edison Underground Strength Gym were featured on The Inc Magazine Web site during their interview with Spartan Race Founder, Joe DeSena. Full Article HERE Our feature is also on our Instagram Page: Excerpt from A part of an article inside @IncMagazine w @spartanrace @spartanuppodcast !! #NOEasyDay […]