Manasquan & Edison Athletes: Live Your TRUTH [The #STRONGLife]
I just came across this Video from actor, Ashton Kutcher. Now, I don’t know much about him but when I heard him speak I saw a guy who battled through the bull shit and Learned what is REALLY important. Like ALL young, successful people, he probably got duped into BS. He finally realized what it […]
I’m TOO Old – What’s YOUR Excuse?
Sometimes I sit down and just stop….. I get into the recliner and if the house is quiet I just might be able to watch a movie….. The other night I watched the movie Creed. I pushed back the recliner and kicked up my feet. Although I don’t think Creed came close to what Rocky […]
Why Athletes Are Injured 400% More Often?

Has your son ever been injured? If he is an athlete, which he is, the answer is YES. There are many reasons WHY athletes get hurt, and almost all of them we can do something about. For female athletes, the ACL injury rate is 400% higher than it was 10 years ago! Holy s**t! Think […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes ATTACKING Their Training!
Above, The Edison and Manasquan Underground Strength Gym Wrecking Crew the Morning of Christmas Eve. ________________ It’s been a while since sharing a compilation of our training so this is a good look inside just SOME of what we do. The details can not be pulled from this Video and every workout is different. So […]
Your Child Is An Investment, NOT An Expense!
The Underground Strength Gym originated in my parents garage and backyard, around 2002. Then, in 2004 I began training athletes from my first home in Edison. We’d train in my garage, backyard and down the street at the local playground. [youtube width=”666″ height=”366″][/youtube] The training was extremely intense and parents drove their kids to my […]
Why We Expect Excellence in ALL Areas Of Life
Team Underground Members – Pay attention to the INTRO of this video. Coach Santoro of Lehigh University Wrestling Team says he wants the team to be the BEST at everything they do. Not just Wrestling. EVERYTHING. We hold the SAME standard at The Underground Strength Gym. You represent your school, your family and The Underground […]
2 Traits ALL Athletes Must Possess
There are 2 things all successful athletes need to have: 1) They need to be HUMBLE. This doesn’t mean to avoid showing their confidence, this means to keep an open mind and NEVER think you are too good to learn from a Coach. A humble athlete is coachable. Those who are too good or too […]
NJ Strength & Conditioning TRUTH & Transformations
The proof is in the pudding I’m sure you’ve heard that saying before. It’s true. Results are the TRUTH and results are where we excel. Personally, I hate building web sites and trying to hold referral contests and all the other behind the scenes stuff that goes into a business. I am a COACH. I […]
Critical NJ Wrestling Training Tips
Critical NJ Wrestling Training Tips Watch These Videos and Take Action to Improve Your Wrestling Skills! Enjoy and Please Share With Your Fellow Wrestling Coaches, Wrestlers & Wrestling Parents [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] For more information on training with us at The Underground Strength Gym Please Call Us at (732) […]
Critical NJ Wrestling Training Tips
Critical NJ Wrestling Training Tips Watch These Videos and Take Action to Improve Your Wrestling Skills! Enjoy and Please Share With Your Fellow Wrestling Coaches, Wrestlers & Wrestling Parents [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] For more information on training with us at The Underground Strength Gym Please Call Us at (732) […]