YOU Are Capable of GREATNESS, But….
YOU Are Capable of GREATNESS, But…… You gotta do the work. I say it all the time, and, as I type this, I am 1 hour away from Manasquan at a packed Tennis club. I drive up here 3 x week, 1 hr each way, all Summer for my daughter. There is an investment of […]
Why Athletes Are Injured 400% More Often?

Has your son ever been injured? If he is an athlete, which he is, the answer is YES. There are many reasons WHY athletes get hurt, and almost all of them we can do something about. For female athletes, the ACL injury rate is 400% higher than it was 10 years ago! Holy s**t! Think […]
NJ Athlete Training & The 2 Pains Of Life
“Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity; whenever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable. They go together.” – E. Nightingale – Above, The Gnarly Back of Andrew DuPoux, Underground Trained Since His Senior Year In College On The Gridiron and STILL Training With Us! Train For LIFE! Several years […]
NJ Athlete Training & The 2 Pains Of Life
“Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity; whenever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable. They go together.” – E. Nightingale – Above, The Gnarly Back of Andrew DuPoux, Underground Trained Since His Senior Year In College On The Gridiron and STILL Training With Us! Train For LIFE! Several years […]
3 Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Faster
Speed training is a very misunderstood concept and while every athlete wants to get faster, more powerful and more explosive, there is a fatal flaw in the way athletes train for speed. Simply doing agility ladder drills or cone drills will not make you faster and more agile. The truth is that in sports, whether […]
Power Training for NJ Athletes
Before we move on to what goes down inside The Underground Strength Gym, let me preface ALL of that “Stuff” so the parents and athletes watching our videos can see my friend, Ultimate Warrior, speak about what it takes to succeed. We think the same and that just might be TOO much for most of […]
NJ Strength & Conditioning
In the video above you got a chance to see Bill Rauh, a Football Player & Wrestler from Edison and Dylan Marino, a Football Player & Wrestler from JP Stevens. Both are new to wrestling and now attending wrestling clubs to catch up on their skills. They are learning that wrestling will make them better […]
NJ Athletes Defy the Norm
Most athletes can not perform 1 full range pull up. Here we have a large crew of NJ athletes at The Underground cranking a pull up contest to earn their Underground T Shirt. Notice they all do a minimum of 10 pull ups, with others getting near 20 and over 20 pull ups. By the […]
Athletes of The Underground Strength Gym
The Underground Strength Gym is NOT for everyone. The reasons are either because the parents are unsupportive, rude and / or intrusive. Or…. the athlete is lazy and full of excuses. Your first 3 months here is a trial period. Some make it, some don’t. If you don’t make it you’re not invited back. Go […]
Athletes of The Underground Strength Gym
The Underground Strength Gym is NOT for everyone. The reasons are either because the parents are unsupportive, rude and / or intrusive. Or…. the athlete is lazy and full of excuses. Your first 3 months here is a trial period. Some make it, some don’t. If you don’t make it you’re not invited back. Go […]