Manasquan NJ


Before I share some Great News, I want to share a favorite quote we must start implementing in our LIFE.

Apply these words to your training and your life and you WILL begin achieving more success as you push outside your comfort zone.

We call this getting comfortable being Uncomfortable.


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Manasquan & Edison Underground Strength Gym

Many of you like to stay quiet about your accomplishments and I like that. Stay Humble. Always.

I like that a lot. You don’t brag and you don’t make excuses for your losses either. Many excuse makers quickly point the finger for their losses with “I got ripped off” or “We don’t have our own wrestling room” or “We need turf….”

You must OWN your setbacks, not just your success.

At The Underground Strength Gym, Your success stories will inspire others to aim bigger, both our current athletes and athletes of the future who will train here. I am often sharing stories with our athletes because I want them to see that the blue print is there.

It’s another reminder that it takes HARD WORK and Consistency, NONE of the success stories happen in 6 weeks or 3 months. It is a process. That is The TRUTH.

And because We are a private club vs the type of place that allows anyone and everyone to train here, we set different standards than the norm and we push for greatness and reject mediocrity.

NOT all of our athletes and parents understand this type of commitment just yet.

Some think we’re too serious, but, I see it as loving the hard work and going out there to have FUN, competing at your best ability. Why would you compete and not prepare yourself as best as possible to succeed?

Sounds crazy to me but MANY athletes are competing and do ZERO work in the off season to get better.

Our BEST athletes have Supportive Parents.

– Parents driving them to sports clubs

– Parents driving them to The Underground Strength Gym

– Parents stocking the cabinets and fridge with healthy foods

– Parents who do NOT enable excuses for their son

Making yourself better is about LIFE, not just about sports.

Putting yourself out there, challenging yourself, working hard to achieve goals, refusing to be “normal” ….

THAT is FUN, and, there is PLENTY of time to live a balanced life by training a few times a week. Too many athletes are delusional about what it takes to succeed and they think if they can’t sit at the beach all day or they can’t be at the mall all weekend that their lives will be uprooted.

The thing that is NOT FUN is to show up and giving half hearted efforts.

When you make excuses you are competing to LOSE and be Average at best.

To compete in your sports and not even try to give it your best is to sacrifice your own gift. You will grow old and NEVER KNOW what you could have achieved and what type of success you could have become.

THAT is NOT FUN. So STOP thinking that you have no time when the truth is, we ALL have the time. The difference between Champions and those who don’t achieve success is that The Champion OWNS his Life.

The Champions takes 100% responsibility and accountability for their actions.

It’s always more FUN and rewarding when you go out there, day in and day out doing your best. When you TRULY give it your ALL, you can walk tall for a lifetime.

At the end of the day it’s up to YOU.


All Americans & MEN IN THE ARENA from Manasquan & Edison Underground Strength Gym

– 2 weeks ago Luke Niemeyer took 1st at War at The Shore as a Freshman in the 14 YO Division

– Luke Also became a Freshman All American this past weekend placing 8th at Freshman Nationals at 195 lbs

More All Americans

– 6th at 138: Robbie Cleary (Edison) 

– 3rd at 160: Bryan McLaughlin (Woodbridge)

Congrats to Eric Keosseian of Howell who has been competing like a madman, chasing the challenges and hunting down Gold Medals!

Flo Nationals where Eric placed 8th to become an All American then Va Beach Nationals but unfortunately came down with a stomach bug on his 2nd day. Eric is fired up to succeed. That’s how we must ALL be, fired up and self motivated.

Self Discipline Leads to SELF Motivation.

Advice from a Navy SEAL (Jocko Willink) on Disciplining Yourself……

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– Your parents can NOT give it to you, neither can your coaches.

– When it’s competition time, all the screaming, shouting and coaching will not help you “Rise to the Occasion”.

– The TRUTH is, You FALL to the level of your Training.

– Train HARD and Train to WIN and you will WIN more than the athlete who makes excuses. Period.

That’s ALL you CAN do.

Give it your best and Nothing Less. Your efforts are under YOUR control. Do it NOW because time goes TOO fast and before you know it, you’re a senior in high school scrambling to make it all work.

You’ll regret all those excuses for the rest of your life….

Or, you’ll live a life pretending it never mattered.

It DOES matter.

That goes for training, school, social life, academics, work and all other areas of your life.

ALL in, ALL the time.

Live The Code 365,

Zach and Team

Apply For Your Son’s Trial Workout HERE

Only 4 Athletes Are Accepted Each Month
