Why HARD WORK is King (Or Queen!)

** WHY HARD WORK IS KING (OR QUEEN!) ** A few months ago I was having a conversation with a Football S&C Coach at a powerhouse D1 University. He told me how 1 of the Most Important things the athletes of The Underground are learning is that of WORK. He said that even at the […]
WHY Athlete Success is NOT An Accident

[youtube width=”700″ height=”400″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDjIaPrxjPA[/youtube] The past few weeks have been an amazing run for many of the athletes we get to work with each of our Underground Strength Gym Locations (Middlesex / Manasquan / Scotch Plains). It’s hard keeping up and finding the news from our athletes who live up in North NJ as I am […]
3 Training Mistakes NJ Football Players Must Avoid
3 Training Mistakes NJ Football Players MUST Avoid By Coach Andrew Wary The weight room and football players tend to go hand in hand, like two peas in a pod. Quite often football players can either be guided to or have the wrong ideas about training. Football players are subject to 3 main training […]
Success Story: Manasquan Athlete Changes His Attitude AND Life

I am inspired so often by the athletes we get to work with on a daily basis, I wish we had a full time camera crew in there to share their work ethic and dedication. The training these athletes go through is beyond what my words can describe. Many do not continue because it’s too […]
Earning Your Greatness VS Finding Greatness
This is a powerful mindset video I want to share with our athletes in Manasquan, Edison and soon Scotch Plains….. The mind is so crucial to success not just in sports, but in ALL areas of life. Being a Champion in Sports but mediocre or “good enough” in your academics and social life is unacceptable. […]
Manasquan Underground Strength Gym Summer STRONG
This Morning was the FINAL Morning Summer STRONG session at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym. This was our 3rd Summer! Time flies…… I signed the lease on this Building 1 month after Hurricane Sandy. The building was a mess when I walked in there with my wife and kids. I remember standing in the dark, […]
Lift STRONG 2016 for Leukemia & Lymphoma = HUGE Success
WOW! Lift STRONG 2016 held at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym was an AMAZING Success! 19 Men’s Open Competitors 8 Middle School Competitors 33 HS Competitors We have some extra donations coming in this week so that brings us just over $3K in Donations for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!!! This has been Our biggest […]
Lift STRONG Fundraiser 2016 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Here we GO! This is 1 of MANY LIFT STRONG Fundraisers that we’ve done since opening our first “real” location in 2007 up in Edison! I can’t even keep track of how many we’ve done since 2007. I believe this is the 11th or 12th Fundraiser for LLS!!! This Fundraiser will be FUN as ALWAYS […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes “Men In The Arena” & Navy SEAL Advice
Before I share some Great News, I want to share a favorite quote we must start implementing in our LIFE. Apply these words to your training and your life and you WILL begin achieving more success as you push outside your comfort zone. We call this getting comfortable being Uncomfortable. [youtube width=”700″ height=”400″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aurJXD-xdC8[/youtube] CONGRATS TO […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes: Your SELF Discipline Says It ALL
Your self discipline will be the BIG factor contributing to your Success OR keeping you from becoming a success. When an athlete who is undersized and weak starts training with us, we hammer home and give the guidelines required in nutrition and training. If that athlete skips breakfast on the regular, eats junk on the […]