Why HARD WORK is King (Or Queen!)

** WHY HARD WORK IS KING (OR QUEEN!) ** A few months ago I was having a conversation with a Football S&C Coach at a powerhouse D1 University. He told me how 1 of the Most Important things the athletes of The Underground are learning is that of WORK. He said that even at the […]
NJ Football Player Transforms Himself, Here’s How!
In the video below, Travis, 1 of the original Football players who began with us out of the garage is another example of what happens when you FOLLOW THROUGH! Travis used to struggle on light trap bar deadlifts, I had to keep him lighter than 185 until we strengthened his back and legs. The other […]
GREAT Athletes Have This 1 Thing?

BIG Success Stories come from the kids who work HARD, train consistently, have GREAT Coaches, Supportive Parents, Are Relentless in Achieving Excellence…. See some of our success stories here. They do a LOT of things right. It’s a TEAM effort. THAT is the 1 thing they have, a TEAM. WHO is the Team? There are […]
5 Traits Among The MOST Successful Athletes at The Underground Strength Gym
At The Underground Strength Gym, our athletes are predominantly left to the decisions of their parents. If Mom / Dad feel Johnny is working too hard, they stop his training. If Mom / Dad don’t understand what we do and haven’t invested 5 minutes to read our web site, they think the training Johnny does […]
TRUTH About In Season Training: Is It Bad? Is It Too Late? Too Hard?
I had a recent conversation with a parent asking me about his son who is wrestling. They have 3 weeks until Districts. Is it bad to start training NOW? Will the kids lose flexibility, is it too hard, too much work, etc. I replied, Here’s the worst thing that can happen: The Kids will Get […]
Champion Wrestler Lifestyle Tips & Lessons with Ray Jaz
[youtube width=”700″ height=”400″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmDqvm-JdsA[/youtube] Ray Jaz began training at The Underground Strength Gym in 7th grade, he has never stopped training here, in season and off season, full ON DEDICATION! Ray delivers his lessons learned from The Underground. It’s a Lifestyle. It’s not just about doing a few things right, you need to do it ALL […]
Why We Expect Excellence in ALL Areas Of Life
Team Underground Members – Pay attention to the INTRO of this video. Coach Santoro of Lehigh University Wrestling Team says he wants the team to be the BEST at everything they do. Not just Wrestling. EVERYTHING. We hold the SAME standard at The Underground Strength Gym. You represent your school, your family and The Underground […]