Lift STRONG Fundraiser 2018: Navy SEAL Foundation + Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Since the day I opened the FIRST warehouse location of The Underground Strength Gym (2007) we’ve been holding an annual (sometimes bi-annual) Lift STRONG Fundraiser. ALL proceeds and donations go 50/ 50 to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society AND The Navy SEAL Foundation. This event is always GREAT FUN with prices for Top 3 Finishers, […]
Navy SEAL Foundation & Hurricane Harvey Fundraiser at Scotch Plains Underground Strength Gym
This Fundraiser will benefit The Navy SEAL Foundation & Hurricane Harvey Flood Victims. SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ — Yeti MMA’s Underground Strength Gym will host for a day filled with strength competition, food, fun and philanthropy on Sept. 16, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. The Underground Strength Gym will Donate 50% of All Proceeds Directly to the Navy […]
The 6 Traits Of Our MOST Successful Athletes
The 6 Traits Of Our MOST Successful Athletes I have a common saying that I share with the athletes when I want to have lessons hit home, here it is: Success Leaves Clues. So, when I look at our MOST Successful Athletes, NOT just in Sports but in other Areas of their Life, Here are […]
4 Reasons Why Athletes Who Strength Train IN Season WIN MORE

Above: Ray Jaz / NYU Wrestling, Bryan McLaughin / Woodbridge Wrestling (Drexel Commit) / John Poznaski / Colonia Wrestling The Importance of Strength Training for In-Season Athletes Many athletes and their parents are quite often worried about too much stress on the body during their sports season. They are right to be concerned, but they […]
6 Success Tips for Athletes To Do Outside of The Underground Strength Gym
What You Do Outside the Gym Matters Just As Much As What You Do IN The Gym Coach Andy Wary Many athletes and their parents alike think that getting to the gym is the end-all and only way they can get better. When in reality, the gym is only a small fraction of your overall […]
Holiday Gift Ideas for The Underground Strength Gym

Parents have asked me about gifts for their child or family members so Here are a few goodies to make everyone STRONG & Happy 🙂 1) Our Full Count Baseball / Underground Strength Tees These tees are Specific for our members / parents of The Underground Strength Gym at Full Count Baseball In Middlesex. “Excellence […]
Earning Your Greatness VS Finding Greatness
This is a powerful mindset video I want to share with our athletes in Manasquan, Edison and soon Scotch Plains….. The mind is so crucial to success not just in sports, but in ALL areas of life. Being a Champion in Sports but mediocre or “good enough” in your academics and social life is unacceptable. […]