WHY Athlete Success is NOT An Accident

[youtube width=”700″ height=”400″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDjIaPrxjPA[/youtube] The past few weeks have been an amazing run for many of the athletes we get to work with each of our Underground Strength Gym Locations (Middlesex / Manasquan / Scotch Plains). It’s hard keeping up and finding the news from our athletes who live up in North NJ as I am […]
Manasquan Underground Strength Gym Summer STRONG
This Morning was the FINAL Morning Summer STRONG session at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym. This was our 3rd Summer! Time flies…… I signed the lease on this Building 1 month after Hurricane Sandy. The building was a mess when I walked in there with my wife and kids. I remember standing in the dark, […]
Lessons In Dedication From Olympic Champion, Kyle Snyder

Kyle Snyder just became America’s Youngest Gold Medalist in Wrestling at age 20. At age 19 he won The World Championships and The National Championships in Wrestling. To put this in perspective, I’ve seen MANY parents hold their son back and switch around schools and we see 19 year olds who are NOT winning state […]
Critical Athlete Nutrition Tips, The Follow Through & Recommended Reading
Here are some critical tips for our athletes at The Manasquan & Edison Underground Strength Gym. Remember, most athletes only train here 2 or 3 days a week. That leaves PLENTY of time to either ruin the work you put in here OR to maximize the work through a proper lifestyle, mindset and nutrition Nutrition: […]
Pt Boro Wrestling Starts Season at Manasquan
What an AWESOME day this was. The first day of the wrestling season began last Monday. Several weeks prior, Assistant Coach Brian Grainer reached out to see if The Point Boro Wresting Team could start their first day of the season at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym! We began our training at the park across […]
Why We Expect Excellence in ALL Areas Of Life
Team Underground Members – Pay attention to the INTRO of this video. Coach Santoro of Lehigh University Wrestling Team says he wants the team to be the BEST at everything they do. Not just Wrestling. EVERYTHING. We hold the SAME standard at The Underground Strength Gym. You represent your school, your family and The Underground […]
3 Training Mistakes NJ Wrestlers Must Avoid
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-dddIlbD34[/youtube] [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NODEYG3zfn8[/youtube] Howell Wrestlers – Avoid These 3 Mistakes to Get the Edge Over Your Competition On The Mat 3 BIG Mistakes to avoid for Wrestling Workouts: 1) Exercise Technique MUST be dialed in. Period. Do nothing less than text book technique when perform your exercises. 2) Perform the proper sets […]
9 Tips for NJ Wrestlers Who Want to WIN!
1. Train for Strength. You can learn all the technique in the world, but, if you run into an oxe of a wrestler, he will stop you dead in your tracks. Being stronger helps beyond simply being strong and ends there. Added strength improves your power, decreases chances of injuries and makes your mentally tougher. […]
9 Tips for NJ Wrestlers Who Want to WIN!
1. Train for Strength. You can learn all the technique in the world, but, if you run into an oxe of a wrestler, he will stop you dead in your tracks. Being stronger helps beyond simply being strong and ends there. Added strength improves your power, decreases chances of injuries and makes your mentally tougher. […]
NJ Wrestling Training at The Jersey Shore
Here we are, week one with a few of our wrestlers training at our Underground Shore location, in Avon, NJ. Above, left to Right: Howell Wrestler Matt Lindemann, South Plainfield state champ, Anthony Ashnault, Howell Youth Wrestler, Kris Lindemann, Howell Wrestler, Cole Cameron. A FEW VERY critical things about the 4 wrestlers above: Matt Lindemann […]