WHY Athlete Success is NOT An Accident

[youtube width=”700″ height=”400″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDjIaPrxjPA[/youtube] The past few weeks have been an amazing run for many of the athletes we get to work with each of our Underground Strength Gym Locations (Middlesex / Manasquan / Scotch Plains). It’s hard keeping up and finding the news from our athletes who live up in North NJ as I am […]
3 TIPS For NJ Athletes Who Want MORE Success In Sports AND Life
[youtube width=”666″ height=”366″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ-E_79OLnQ[/youtube] 3 TIPS For NJ Athletes Who Want MORE Success In Sports AND Life The past few years have been the most confusing times for parents seeking to help their kids achieve greater success in sports. There are literally millions upon millions of articles, videos and other content pieces on the internet delivering […]
6 Success Tips for Athletes To Do Outside of The Underground Strength Gym
What You Do Outside the Gym Matters Just As Much As What You Do IN The Gym Coach Andy Wary Many athletes and their parents alike think that getting to the gym is the end-all and only way they can get better. When in reality, the gym is only a small fraction of your overall […]
3 Training Mistakes NJ Football Players Must Avoid
3 Training Mistakes NJ Football Players MUST Avoid By Coach Andrew Wary The weight room and football players tend to go hand in hand, like two peas in a pod. Quite often football players can either be guided to or have the wrong ideas about training. Football players are subject to 3 main training […]
Champion Wrestler Lifestyle Tips & Lessons with Ray Jaz
[youtube width=”700″ height=”400″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmDqvm-JdsA[/youtube] Ray Jaz began training at The Underground Strength Gym in 7th grade, he has never stopped training here, in season and off season, full ON DEDICATION! Ray delivers his lessons learned from The Underground. It’s a Lifestyle. It’s not just about doing a few things right, you need to do it ALL […]
LIFE Lessons & Champions from High School to College
[youtube width=”700″ height=”400″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uMWWGCl8YI[/youtube] Note that Success Leaves Clues! This Video comes from Chris Lee and Matty Mazarati, BOTH of these boys began training in high school and they trained ALL year long, in season and off season. Chris played Baseball in Edison at JP Stevens and Matty played Football at Monroe which isn’t the closest […]
NJ Baseball Strength & Conditioning / Performance Training Now at Full Count Baseball

We’re excited to announce our partnership with Full Count Baseball & Softball Academy in Middlesex, NJ. [vimeo width=”700″ height=”400″]https://vimeo.com/172750568[/vimeo] With the hectic schedules of athletes & parents, we have worked hard to create an opportunity for parents to take advantage of a full Baseball performance program under 1 roof. The best Baseball players are NOT […]
Success Story: Manasquan Athlete Changes His Attitude AND Life

I am inspired so often by the athletes we get to work with on a daily basis, I wish we had a full time camera crew in there to share their work ethic and dedication. The training these athletes go through is beyond what my words can describe. Many do not continue because it’s too […]
Lessons In Dedication From Olympic Champion, Kyle Snyder

Kyle Snyder just became America’s Youngest Gold Medalist in Wrestling at age 20. At age 19 he won The World Championships and The National Championships in Wrestling. To put this in perspective, I’ve seen MANY parents hold their son back and switch around schools and we see 19 year olds who are NOT winning state […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes: Your SELF Discipline Says It ALL
Your self discipline will be the BIG factor contributing to your Success OR keeping you from becoming a success. When an athlete who is undersized and weak starts training with us, we hammer home and give the guidelines required in nutrition and training. If that athlete skips breakfast on the regular, eats junk on the […]