Stop Being So Sensitive & Get STRONGER

The Battle Against Mediocrity is at an all time high. I had NO clue that you get made fun of for working hard. So these kids are saying it’s cool to be average? It’s cool to be a follower? I can’t accept that. Perhaps the easiest thing to do is see what all the average […]
Zach Gets Interviewed by The Asbury Park Press!
I had a blast getting interviewed by the crew at The Asbury park Press. LISTEN HERE: Think about it. At The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym, the parks and rec department gave us ahard time for playing Ultimate Football on a random basis at a desolate park. In 8 years, I have NEVER seen kids playing […]
Find a Way to WIN vs Finding Excuses
I always have this echoing voice in my mind from a Navy SEAL program where the instructor told the boat crew who kept losing, “Just find an Excuse to WIN!” Normally, we find an excuse to quit. Excuses are everywhere, how about we find a bigger WHY, dig deeper and find a REASON to fight […]
The Difference Between Good Athletes VS GREAT Athletes?
From our middle school athletes to D1 athletes, I get to see a LOT of different athletes. – Varied talent levels – Varied natural abilities – Varied Attitudes / Personalities – Varied work ethic And then this morning, I saw a GREAT Video based on a boxer who broke his neck and made a come […]
WHY Athlete Success is NOT An Accident

[youtube width=”700″ height=”400″][/youtube] The past few weeks have been an amazing run for many of the athletes we get to work with each of our Underground Strength Gym Locations (Middlesex / Manasquan / Scotch Plains). It’s hard keeping up and finding the news from our athletes who live up in North NJ as I am […]
Success Story: Manasquan Athlete Changes His Attitude AND Life

I am inspired so often by the athletes we get to work with on a daily basis, I wish we had a full time camera crew in there to share their work ethic and dedication. The training these athletes go through is beyond what my words can describe. Many do not continue because it’s too […]
Lessons In Dedication From Olympic Champion, Kyle Snyder

Kyle Snyder just became America’s Youngest Gold Medalist in Wrestling at age 20. At age 19 he won The World Championships and The National Championships in Wrestling. To put this in perspective, I’ve seen MANY parents hold their son back and switch around schools and we see 19 year olds who are NOT winning state […]
Winning VS Losing & A Standard Higher Than Victory
Why do we hold The Lift STRONG Fundraiser I was asked by a reporter Why choose The Navy SEAL Foundation as another fundraiser, they also asked? The answer is simple and complex…… Winning & Losing games / tournaments / competitions, etc eventually goes away. Soon, you take those lessons and apply them to LIFE. Winning […]
Lift STRONG Fundraiser 2016 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Here we GO! This is 1 of MANY LIFT STRONG Fundraisers that we’ve done since opening our first “real” location in 2007 up in Edison! I can’t even keep track of how many we’ve done since 2007. I believe this is the 11th or 12th Fundraiser for LLS!!! This Fundraiser will be FUN as ALWAYS […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes “Men In The Arena” & Navy SEAL Advice
Before I share some Great News, I want to share a favorite quote we must start implementing in our LIFE. Apply these words to your training and your life and you WILL begin achieving more success as you push outside your comfort zone. We call this getting comfortable being Uncomfortable. [youtube width=”700″ height=”400″][/youtube] CONGRATS TO […]