East Brunswick Athlete Gains 30 + Lbs & Confidence BIG TIME

Check out this AWESOME SUCCESS STORY of Mihir Pillai of east Brunswick. Mihir began training with us in late 5th grade while his older brother trained here. Normally, we do NOT train athletes until they are in 6th grade and older. Mihir had a special case where we HAD to help him. At first, Mihir […]
Manasquan & Edison Athletes: Prepare, Perform, PREVAIL

With E Guy & Olympian, Steve Mocco at American Top Team in Florida! Time flies! This weekend is already the district tournament for wrestlers. It is the weekend when the TRUTH comes out regarding every wrestler’s preparation or lack of preparation. For some, it is the beginning of their journey and goals towards Atlantic City […]
When Will Manasquan & Edison Athletes WIN?
In this Video, Michael Irvin tells the Football Players at The U of Miami What it takes…. – What it takes to WIN Championships – What it takes to Succeed in Life Manasquan & Edison Athletes of The Underground Strength Gym….. Parents….. Pay attention to the details he speaks of: – The Process before you […]
NEW Edison & Manasquan T Shirts & What We STAND For!
We’ve got NEW Underground T Shirts but instead of me ordering 200 shirts and running out of sizes, I had our shirt co put them online. This way you can order your exact size. These are the same style and athletic fitting shirts we’ve been getting for the past 1.5 years. ==> http://foreverfierce.com/products/underground-strength-gym-august The shirts […]
Why We Expect Excellence in ALL Areas Of Life
Team Underground Members – Pay attention to the INTRO of this video. Coach Santoro of Lehigh University Wrestling Team says he wants the team to be the BEST at everything they do. Not just Wrestling. EVERYTHING. We hold the SAME standard at The Underground Strength Gym. You represent your school, your family and The Underground […]
Penn State, Lock Haven & The Rise To The Top
LOTS of New success stories at The Underground Strength Gym in both Edison & Manasquan. – Ralph Normandia gets pre season ranking of 12th in the Nation! [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nwWeFFT3tY[/youtube] – Matt Butler receives his black belt in BJJ from Pablo Papovitch / Bill Scott BJJ Academy – Joseph Ghione bumps up 3 weight class […]
2 Traits ALL Athletes Must Possess
There are 2 things all successful athletes need to have: 1) They need to be HUMBLE. This doesn’t mean to avoid showing their confidence, this means to keep an open mind and NEVER think you are too good to learn from a Coach. A humble athlete is coachable. Those who are too good or too […]
The Healthiest, BEST Prepared Athlete WINS!
Often times an athletes gets injured mid way through the season or near the end of the season. He or she is usually over trained at this point, not just physically, but also mentally. A poor or non existent strength & conditioning program never prepared them for the physical or mental rigors of competition. So, […]
Do You Want To WIN?
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlNKlh2SMpQ[/youtube] Last Thursday at Shore Thing Wrestling Club I asked about 60 wrestlers to stay for an extra 10 minutes. They passed by and most had an excuse as if those 10 minutes of staying after would cause the world to end. I watched them finish up a short push up workout, where […]
NJ Strength & Conditioning Success Stories – Those Who Prepare, WIN!
Schleiffer Gets His 100th WIN & 3 County Titles!! [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3B7VhKqFqM&feature=share&list=UUqfeXppJ0gH-xMteusTeVEg[/youtube] Mike Jennings Gets 3rd Consecutive County Title! Plungis Wins Tournament After 7 Days of The Flu! I LOVE getting these e mails, text messages and success stories from our athletes! LOVE it! I am proud of ALL of you, NOT because you take […]